// Written by John Marino, October 2003 // Distributed with Renegade Series Six // http://www.marino.st/renegade function parseme (rawstr, week, season) { var brseason = /\x7BSEASON\x7D/g; var brshortseason = /\x7BSS\x7D/g; var brweek = /\x7BW\x7D/g; var brlongweek = /\x7BWW\x7D/g; var seasonstr = String (season); var weekstr = String (week); var shortseason = seasonstr.substr(2,2); var longweek = (week > 9) ? weekstr : "0" + weekstr; var workstr = rawstr.replace (brseason, seasonstr); workstr = workstr.replace (brshortseason, shortseason); workstr = workstr.replace (brweek, weekstr); workstr = workstr.replace (brlongweek, longweek); return workstr; } function RS6_report (RID, section, name, range_start, range_end, floater, basename) { this.id = RID; this.section = section; this.name = name; this.range_start = range_start; this.range_end = range_end; this.floater = floater; this.basename = basename; } function flash(curobj){ curobj.style.color = '#B00000'; } function flash2(curobj){ curobj.style.color = '#B00000'; } function deflash2(curobj){ curobj.style.color = '#000080'; } function deflash(curobj){ curobj.style.color = '#000040'; } function floater(myurl) { window.open(myurl,'floater',config='width=790, height=400, scrollbars=1 resizable=1'); } function mapID2index (RID) { var x = 0; var found = false; var returnint = 0; do { if (report[x].id == RID) found = true; else x++; } while (x < tracker && !found); if (found) returnint = x; return returnint; } var menu_week = 12; var menu_season = 2003; var tracker = 41; var report = new Array(41); report[0] = new RS6_report (0, 1, "Home", 1, 17, 2, "http://tnt49.tripod.com/" ); report[1] = new RS6_report (3, 1, "Live Scoreboard", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/live_scoreboard.htm" ); report[2] = new RS6_report (0, 1, "Standings", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/standings.htm" ); report[3] = new RS6_report (1, 1, "Tiebreaker Summary", 1, 14, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/tiebreakers.htm" ); report[4] = new RS6_report (29, 1, "Strength of Victory", 1, 14, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/sov.htm" ); report[5] = new RS6_report (2, 1, "Las Vegas Odds", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/vegas_odds.htm" ); report[6] = new RS6_report (4, 1, "Broken Records", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/broken_records.htm" ); report[7] = new RS6_report (40, 1, "Fantasy Boxscores", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/boxscores.htm" ); report[8] = new RS6_report (42, 1, "ESPN Style Boxscores", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/espn_boxscores.htm" ); report[9] = new RS6_report (5, 1, "NFL Box Scores", 1, 17, 1, "http://www.nfl.com/scores/{SEASON}/week{W}" ); report[10] = new RS6_report (6, 1, "Players of the Week", 1, 17, 0, "flm/level/{SS}{WW}_allstars.htm" ); report[11] = new RS6_report (7, 1, "Hot Free Agents", 1, 14, 0, "flm/level/{SS}{WW}_hot_agents.htm" ); report[12] = new RS6_report (41, 1, "Injury Status", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/injury.htm" ); report[13] = new RS6_report (8, 1, "Projections", 11, 14, 0, "renegade/week_{WW}/projections.htm" ); report[14] = new RS6_report (9, 2, "League Page", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/index.htm" ); report[15] = new RS6_report (10, 2, "Transactions", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/transactions.htm" ); report[16] = new RS6_report (11, 2, "Scoring History", 1, 17, 0, "flm/level/scoring_history.htm" ); report[17] = new RS6_report (12, 2, "Player Statistics", 1, 17, 0, "flm/level/player_stats.htm" ); report[18] = new RS6_report (13, 2, "Free Agent Stats", 1, 14, 0, "flm/level/free_agent_stats.htm" ); report[19] = new RS6_report (14, 2, "Positional Scoring", 1, 17, 0, "flm/level/positional_scoring.htm" ); report[20] = new RS6_report (15, 2, "CBS - Latest Injuries", 1, 17, 1, "http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/injuries" ); report[21] = new RS6_report (16, 2, "Head to Head Grid", 1, 14, 0, "renegade/seasonal/h2h.htm" ); report[22] = new RS6_report (17, 2, "Division Strength", 1, 14, 0, "renegade/seasonal/division_strength.htm" ); report[23] = new RS6_report (18, 2, "AFC City Weather", 1, 17, 0, "custom/level/afc_weather.htm" ); report[24] = new RS6_report (19, 2, "NFC City Weather", 1, 17, 0, "custom/level/nfc_weather.htm" ); report[25] = new RS6_report (20, 2, "Kitty Summary", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/kitty.htm" ); report[26] = new RS6_report (21, 2, "Playoffs", 14, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/brackets.htm" ); report[27] = new RS6_report (24, 3, "Hall of Fame", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/hof_all_time.htm" ); report[28] = new RS6_report (25, 3, "Hall of Shame", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/hos_all_time.htm" ); report[29] = new RS6_report (22, 3, "{SEASON} Fame Records", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/hof_single_season.htm" ); report[30] = new RS6_report (23, 3, "{SEASON} Shame Records", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/hos_single_season.htm" ); report[31] = new RS6_report (27, 3, "Lords of the Ring", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/ringlords.htm" ); report[32] = new RS6_report (28, 3, "Past Champions", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/champions.htm" ); report[33] = new RS6_report (33, 4, "Rules", 1, 17, 0, "custom/level/rules.htm" ); report[34] = new RS6_report (34, 4, "Smackboard", 1, 17, 2, "http://www.ezboard.com/" ); report[35] = new RS6_report (35, 4, "Fantasy Schedule", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/fantasy_schedule.htm" ); report[36] = new RS6_report (36, 4, "NFL Schedule", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/nfl_schedule.htm" ); report[37] = new RS6_report (37, 4, "Strength of Schedule", 1, 17, 0, "renegade/seasonal/sos.htm" ); report[38] = new RS6_report (31, 4, "Draft Summary", 1, 17, 0, "flm/level/draft_summary.htm" ); report[39] = new RS6_report (39, 4, "Fantasy Links", 1, 17, 0, "custom/level/fantasy_links.htm" ); report[40] = new RS6_report (0, 4, "Email Commissioner", 1, 17, 1, "mailto:tnt49@ndak.net" ); // notes // - report_week variable must be defined inside the calling report before this script // - report_id variable must be defined as well var i; var label; var frase = ''; var myIndex = mapID2index(report_id); var spacer; var myFlash = ''; if (report_id > 1000) { var menu_heading = new Array ("Squad","Line Up","History","Transactions","Series","Records"); var menu_files = new Array ("_clubhouse.htm","_lineup_form.htm","_history.htm","_transactions.htm","_lifetime.htm","_records.htm"); var teamNumber = report_id - 1000; var teamlink; var tnStr = (teamNumber < 10) ? '0' : ''; tnStr += String (teamNumber); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { teamlink = '../../teams/level/' + tnStr + menu_files[i]; spacer = (i == 0) ? "" : "  |  "; frase += spacer + '' + myFlash; frase += menu_heading[i] + ''; } document.write(frase); } else { for (i = 1; i <= menu_week; i++) { label = String (i); spacer = (i == 1) ? "" : "  |  "; if (i == report_week) { frase = spacer; frase += ''; frase += label; frase += ''; document.write(frase); } else { if (i > report[myIndex].range_end || i < report[myIndex].range_start) { frase = spacer; frase += ''; frase += label; frase += ''; document.write(frase); } else { frase = spacer; frase += ''; frase += myFlash; frase += label; frase += ''; document.write(frase); } } } for (i = menu_week+1; i < 15; i++) { label = String (i); frase = '  |  '; frase += label; frase += ''; document.write(frase); } }